

Affirmations are a powerful tool that can be used by people of any age. When repeated in the morning, affirmations can help get the day started on the right foot and prepare you to take action in pursuit of your goals.


What are affirmations?
According to psychiatrist and author, Anna Yusim, M.D., affirmations involve repeating a self-selected phrase or series of phrases “that embody who we would like to become.” The idea is that positive thinking and repeating your affirmations throughout the day can transform your thought patterns and mental attitudes.


How do they work?
Research has shown positive affirmations help people cope with difficult emotions and even suicidal thoughts, Yusim notes.

Affirmations for positivity:

  • I am excited for this day or I feel at peace.

Affirmations for an energy boost:

  • I am well rested or My body is powerful.

Affirmations for resilience:

  • I am focused or I am adaptable.

Affirmations for self-confidence:

  • I believe in myself or Every day I embody the best version of myself.

Saying affirmations is a great way to begin reframing your mental patterns, shifting into positive thinking, and slowly but surely changing your outlook. Choose a few to repeat in the mornings to start every day on a brighter note.

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